Digital marketing is a very broad concept, with innumerable strategies and combinations of efficient tactics, always used with the same objective: conversion. Conquering customers on the web almost always involves going the same way: attracting traffic, generating leads, nurturing them and, finally, closing the sale. The most prominent form today is so-called organic traffic — when people come to your site spontaneously, without the use of ads. But, sponsored links are also an excellent option to attract the public and should not be ruled out. It is worth learning how to use them in the best way to achieve excellent results,
and that is what we are going to show you now! In this article you will discover: What are sponsored links? Why use sponsored links in your digital strategy? Clipping Path Service What should you consider before using sponsored links? 5 benefits of sponsored links for your strategy. How to use sponsored links: 4 steps to success. What are sponsored links? In a simple way, we can say that sponsored links are advertisements in the form of simple text . The best known way to find them is through the search mechanisms. At the top of the results, some featured sites appear with an identification indicating that they are ads. Those are the sponsored links. In recent years, ads on social networks have also emerged , which have been gaining more and more strength.
Among the various formats available, are the sponsored links. They are usually separated into: CPC (cost per click): for each click on the link, the advertiser pays; CPM (cost per thousand): when the ad reaches a thousand views or impressions, the advertiser pays; CPA (cost per action): it is only charged when the user performs some action on the advertiser's site; CPV (cost per view): for each person who sees the ad, a value is paid. The values paid depend on the model and the keyword that the advertiser chooses, each one with its advantages and characteristics.
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